Got Questions? We Got Answers!

We’ve created these templates just for you, then! Our assumption when we created these was that most real estate agents don’t want to deal with complicated technology—they want to be out in the field, not behind a computer. That’s why we’ve taken all the guesswork out of your website.

If your website is not actively bringing you new leads, it’s not working for you. Every real estate agent needs a website, but not just any website. We are living in a digital age and your website is your calling card, business card, and lead generator all in one. That’s intimidating if you’re starting from scratch—but with our templates, there’s no blank page. We’ve got it all formulated for you, so that you can spend a little upfront time getting your website launched and then let it bring you leads. We also have additional programs to help you with your marketing even more. Our methods are tried and tested for ultimate success for real estate agents.

To build our Love At First Website templates, we scoured the internet for the easiest, most user-friendly platform to use. That’s how we found Showit!  Showit works seamlessly with Wordpress and together, along with your Love at First Website Template, creates your new website. It sounds complicated, but it's not!  We walk you through step-by-baby-step with video screen casts every step of the way. 

Showit charges a monthly fee to house your template and host your website.  We recommend the website vs. blog version, which is $24/month.  You'd pay that or more to host any website.  We think this is not only the best platform, but cost effective too. 

Showit is a monthly cost of $24/month (on the yearly plan), which covers the use of the platform and website hosting (a steal, considering most hosting plans are $50/month and up!). You’ll also need Mailchimp, which is free to start and the price increases as your needs change. Wordpress is used for your blog, but it’s free to use with Showit. That’s it!

Decision time!  You can keep your current website and apply the same lead generation tools to your current website that we have on our templates or you can easily change over to on of the Agent Grad School website templates and move things over.

Totally! It’s as easy as a click and replace text. You can change text type, colors, really everything is easily customizable.  We show you how to do everything in the step-by-step how-to videos in  the website section of the Agent Grad School course.  Plus, as a student, you have access to the Wednesday Website Workshops to get any extra support you need along the way.  

We hope you remain an Agent Grad School student for years to come, but if ever you decide to cancel your enrollment, your website template is yours to keep.  However, you will no longer have access to the video tutorials or Wednesday Website Workshops.    

We recommend giving yourself about 2-3 weeks to get the text switched out and to have some blog posts ready to publish. We walk you through ALL of that in your Dashboard, as well!

As long as you are an Agent Grad School student, you have access to the step-by-step video tutorials and the Wednesday Website Workshops.  And, of course, you also have access to Showit customer support who can help you directly as well.  We designed these websites, video and website workshops so you are fully supported every step of the way. 


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Two Step

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