The Venus


  • Beautifully-designed homepage strategically created for lead-generation and email list opt-ins. Also includes a slideshow for testimonials and an easy to follow tutorial on how to get your Mailchimp sign-up form into the opt-in areas.
  • About page template -- all you need to do is fill in the text and replace the pictures
  • Contact page template -- just link up your social profiles and add in your contact information, then you're ready to go
  • A general page template to use for any other content you might need.Ā 
  • Blog templates using Wordpress so you can just write them up, publish, and done! You get a single post page template, a blog homepage, and Buy, Sell, and My Listings category page templates. (Plus, a step-by-step tutorial on how to use all of this!)
  • Once you purchase, you get instant access to tutorials and PDFs that explain in detail how to use your template, plus a Brand Guide to make sure you keep everything consistent.
  • This template has been strategically-designed for real estate agents. It has all the modules and content areas that successful agents need, so all you have to do is plug in your own copy and pictures in order to launch your siteā€”and start doing what you love to do: selling houses!Ā 

Setting up the templates are as easy as can be. Once you purchase, everything you need to walk you through the setup and customization process is available to you. Every detail has been thought-through to get you launched and out there, doing what you love to do.

Venus Website Template


Here's What Your Venus Website Will Look Like

Venus Website Template


Agent Grad School students in good standing (tuition has been paid and you are a current student) receive ONE website template for FREE.

Only one free website template will be provided per student.

You may purchase additional templates separately for $997 by emailing [email protected] with your request. Ā 

The website template you choose is yours forever. Ā 

You'll have access to the click-by-click how-to video tutorials and Wednesday Website Workshops for as long as you are a student. Ā 


50% Complete

Two Step

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